What's the difference between coaching, mentoring, and therapy?
Great Question
Therapy utilizes diagnostic criteria and psychotherapy methods to inform support.
Coaching is a supportive approach that is focused on the identification of and achieving a personal, vocational, or academic goal.
Job Coaching includes on the job support with everything from mental health to logistics and strategies to seeking accommodations.
Mentoring or Peer Support are approaches whereby there is guidance and support offered from the lens of both professional and personal experience.
The nuances are subtle, but the decision is yours to determine what style of support works best for you.
Custom service based on individual need.
Can include: observations, strategies, interventions and recommendations and more.
Can provide: parent support, school or work recommendations, family support systems, and more.
Location is based on the specific need, home, school, workplace, in the community or online.
Price varies due to type and length of service.
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